
Thanks again for your interest in 4Spires and CommitKeeper.

The following documents are available for downloading.

ChangingTheWayWeWork Changing the Way We Work
Propelled by technology advances and the social network phenomenon, companies are approaching a step-up in the evolution of work practices rivaling the advent of email 30 years ago.
ManagingByCommitments Managing by Commitments
There is one simple practice your organization can change that will dramatically improve execution: making and keeping commitments. This document describes an easy-to-implement process cycle that can make a difference.
CK_stamp CommitKeeper Product Sheet
CommitKeeper is an easy-to-use, team-based, social task management solution that increases accountability while improving execution by clearly defining commitments of who will do what by when.
CommitKeeperProductSheet@SF CommitKeeper at
This award-winning implementation of CommitKeeper is a fully-native app, integrated with Chatter and the rest of the Salesforce environment.